Birthday Fun

Doesn’t it seem as if birthdays come along a lot faster when you are an adult?  I remember the excitement I always felt when my birthday came around. I have such great parents and they would make each birthday extra special.

Nowadays gratitude is what I feel in my heart. I am grateful for so many things, especially family and friends. Unfortunately, my husband was out of town for my birthday….. My girls set up some fun surprises for me.

This is what I saw first:


They know my favorite candy in the whole world is a Kit-Kat!



And then I walked into the kitchen and saw this….. not the surprise I was hoping to find. But then they showered me with screams and hugs and all was forgiven.

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They decorated my bedroom door and ceiling fan! They also made me a yummy cake. We were able to Face-time Daddy so he could join in on singing Happy Birthday. Truth be told, it was a great birthday celebration. I ended the night with a delicious dinner at Magelby’s with my friends Marlene and Jason.

Thank you for all my sweet birthday wishes on Facebook, texts, and personal calls. I am truly blessed.

Until next time,

Norma xoxoxoxo

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